Green Science Hybrid Crabot – STEAM toy review

June 10, 2023

The sun is shining and it’s a beautiful day to sit in the garden and build… a GreenScience Hybrid Crabot! Woohoo!!! I’m really excited by this fantastic find as not only does it encourage the little ones (and big ones!) STEAM skills, but it’s also beach themed #mycupoftea #winning.

Green Science Hybrid Crabot BOX

So, these days Little Button loves hands on toys. Anything that is creative, technology driven and requires a building element is right up her street. Right away I should say that this isn’t a toy that’s been gifted to her for review. It was actually something Nanny Button picked up earlier in the year (we suspect from Hobbycraft) and it’s taken us a bit of time to get round to giving it a go.

Green Science Hybrid Crabot – STEAM toy review

Does anyone else get the heebie jeebies when faced with a box full of ‘something to build’ with a little one? Yes, yes, ME TOO!! I’ve been known to wedge things at the back of a drawer, or round the side of the sofa to avoid ‘CRAZY who-can-possibly-understand-these instructions’.

So, the front of the box of the Green Science Hybrid Crabot looks tame and lovely. I turned it around… and saw many pieces… MANY PIECES *gulp!!! I may have considered hiding it under the washing pile for a second. BUT I can hands down say that this robot build is actually super easy! #thankyou #crabot

Green Science Hybrid Crabot BOX

What’s inside the box?

Inside the box is everything you need to build an absolutely gorgeous solar power robot crab. It’s a hybrid, meaning that it can be powered by the sun OR a battery (battery + screw driver is not included in the kit).

Green Science Hybrid Crabot in the box

There is a very clear instruction leaflet with all the building steps. A younger child would definitely need a bit of hand with this. But, at the age of 10 years, Little Button could sail through the build with ease. *While I stuck my feet up and watched.

Building the Green Science Hybrid Crabot

Building Green Science Hybrid Crabot

Don’t let little ones be put off by the wires. It’s so much fun to build and take shape very quickly.

Building Green Science Hybrid Crabot

Mr Button also wanted to join in. Maybe we should get his own build next time 🙂

Building Green Science Hybrid Crabot

* A small crosshead screwdriver is needed to build the crabot, which is not included in the kit, hence the little tool set you can see on the table.

Green Science Hybrid Crabot STEAM toy review

Nearly there…

Green Science Hybrid Crabot STEAM toy review

Tah-bye!!!! Isn’t it cute. The little black box above the robot crab’s head is the solar panel. Once put into sunlight, the crab moved all on its own. Yay!

Our overall thoughts

The Green Science Hybrid Crabot was SO much fun to build. A little fiddly for very little ones, but older children will love being able to do this all on their own. And what a result at the end. The crab scuttles to the side in the most adorable way! There’s something so satisfying in building your own robot and actually seeing it work. Plus, lots of opportunities to talk about solar hybrid power and green energy too which is such a positive.

GreenScience Hybrid Crabot

We all love this built robot and can’t wait to take it to the beach for a spin! It’s 100% thumbs up from Little Button. And, from us too, as parents. We were SO impressed with the thought that’s gone into making this kit easy to understand and build. We’ll be looking out for other makes in this range!

What do you think?

Pin me for later 😉

Green Science Hybrid Crabot – STEAM toy review

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